Kezdőlap » Queen Elizabeth Park

Queen Elizabeth Park

Nearly a hundred species of evergreen adorn Queen Elizabeth Park, created following her unexpected and tragic death in 1898.

The grove, which is directly accessible from the Castle Park, is rich in botanical rarities.

Following the Queen’s death, more than a hundred groves and nearly 3,000,000 memorial trees were planted throughout the country in honour of her memory, by order of Ignác Darányi, Minister of Agriculture.


The park and the statue of Queen Elizabeth, the work of József Róna, were inaugurated in 1901 in the presence of Franz Joseph I.
A promenade lined with Crimean linden trees leads to the statue of the Queen, who considers Gödöllő her home.

The monument to Queen Elizabeth, which stands behind the statue of Queen Elizabeth, was also built in her memory.

Its construction began in the autumn of 1988 and its stones represent the sixty-four counties of Hungary at that time.

Designed by sculptor György Zala, the creator of the Heroes’ Square statues in Budapest, the composition is topped by a royal crown carved in white limestone.

The front of the monument features a plaque to Queen Elizabeth and a bench, with steps leading up to the Holy Crown at the top.

Queen Elizabeth Park

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