Kezdőlap » Accomodations
Mater Salvatoris House of Retreat and Convention Centre
The Mater Salvatoris House of Retreat and Convention Centre is open every day of the year to guests seeking spiritual renewal
Árnyas Pension
Our accommodation is a quiet and family-friendly jewel box on the outskirts of Gödöllő. Our 27 rooms are air-conditioned and equipped
Queen Elizabeth Hotel*** Superior
The Erzsébet Királyné Hotel*** is located in the center of Gödöllő, near the Royal palace and only 30 minutes away from
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Szabadság Square
Gödöllő is rightfully proud of the title „Hungary’s prettiest Main Square”, an award won at the Entente Florale Hungary competition.
Sissi Ice Cream
Sissi Ice Cream is based on Hungarian cultural and gastronomic traditions, heart-warming memories, and at the same time is open
Smarni Restaurant
The Smarni restaurant, located in the neighbourhood of the Royal Castle of Gödöllő, has been welcoming its guests for seven
Royal Palace
A time-travel not only for Sisi-fans. Leave Budapest city to explore the pretty town of Gödöllő, and visit the Royal
Turisztikai Egyesület Gödöllő
- Gödöllői Királyi Kastély, Tourinform iroda
- +36 70 550 0575 (H-P: 10.00-18.00)