Kezdőlap » Lázár Equestrian Park
Lázár Equestrian Park
A Lázár Lovaspark 9 hektáros területe Budapesttől 35, Gödöllőtől 5 km-re, festői természetvédelmi környezetben, Domonyvölgyben található.
It is an excursion and event centre in Domonyvölgy, 5 kms from the town of Gödöllő.
Guests are awaited with horse show, evoking the tradition of Hungarian horsemanship, a horse cart ride in the forest, pony riding, a petting zoo and delicious Hungarian cuisine.
The 9-hectare park and the three different taverns of the coach driving Champion Lázár brothers provide an excellent venue for team building programmes and unforgettable weddings.
- Opening hours
Guests are welcome by prior appointment!
Inquiry / Request for offer: e-mail address or telephone one of our contact numbers:
06 30 871 3424 or 06 30 444 9330
- Jegyárak

- +36 30 871 3424
- +36 30 444 9330
For families with children, as a fun outing, for companies as a team-building or family day venue, for young couples to organise the “dream wedding”, it offers a wonderful setting. We are also often chosen as a cosy place to celebrate birthdays and family events.
In our taverns and in the renewed Riding Hall or on our spacious terraces, we welcome our guests with a hearty, home-style lunch.
In addition, we offer a colourful programme of entertainment for young and old.
With horse shows, forest carriage rides and a playground.
You can get acquainted with Hungarian domestic animals in our indigenous pet park, like in “grandma’s yard”.
Our Lazareum museum presents the history of the carriage, Hungarian equestrianism and the sporting careers of the Lázár brothers with spectacular films and exhibitions.
The 9-hectare park and three different styles of the world champions of driving are open to guests by appointment.
Kis állatparkunkban, mint a "nagymama udvarán" megismerkedhetnek az őshonos háziállatokkal. Lazareum nevű múzeumunk látványos filmekkel és kiállítással mutatja be a kocsi, a magyar lovassport és a Lázár testvérek sportpályafutásának történetét.
A fogathajtó világbajnokok 9 hektáros parkja és három különböző stílusú csárdája a céges csapatépítő programokon kívül felejthetetlen esküvők helyszíne is.
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